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      Mind / Body Talk Circles, Couples Massage, Retreats ...
Norristown, Pa (610) 631-0880  
Email Karen!  
Talk Circles: Schedules

We will be having our Body Mind Talk Circles generally on the First Fridays of each month, except when a Holiday date occurs ... so the next Talk Circle Dates are

FridayMar 5th7pm to 9:30pm

Howdy Ya'll - -

I am thinking SOUTH . . .with all of this snow . . . and therefore, the ya'll . . .

I will be going to Fla in April , and am on my bi-annual diet . . .to just try to stay the SAME old weight . . . LOL So hard, in America, just to stay the same.

I do hope you all are stretching your muscles, your minds and hearts during this continued shoveling season. Prevention is the key . . for me . . " A stitch in time . . saves nine " . . If we all stretched, exercised, meditated, , prayed and relaxed more. . . it would certainly help. Times feel more stressful lately

Sometimes, how I pick a topic for us all to discuss at the Talk Circle, I look at a calendar and see what holidays are listed, and pick a theme or aspect of it, like relationships for Valentines, or resolutions for New Yrs, and gratitude for Thanksgiving. Sometimes I use my current life experiences, or those of friends around me. This month I have observed among several friends and myself, some challenges with regards to friendships, and I thought this it might be beneficial for us all to look at this together. As usual, I think it is helpful for us all to think about the topic for a few days, before talking about it together.

Some questions or key words to get us thinking about the Challenge of Friendships are as follows:

  • What IS a friend, to you?
  • How do you pick your friends?
  • Who do you pick as friends and do you do it consciously?
  • Do you pick people with only certain similarities, people you respect and look up to, or are able to control and have power over?

How do boundaries, positive or negative energy, virtues, vices and values come into play? What about forgiving or holding grudges, communicating with, or eliminating certain friends. How do you deal with disappointment with friends?

My feeling is, that most of us have a broken part or two. Some of us have parts of ourselves that are hard to handle or accept, and it is not surprising that we have parts of our friends and significant others, that significantly challenge our joy and peace of mind. How do we handle these things? How might we handle these things differently or better, perhaps?

It might be beneficial for us to grow more mindful of the process and patterns in our lives regarding friendships. .

Towards this end, you are cordially invited to join us this coming Friday March 5th at 7pm at my home and office at 1823 West Main St, Norristown, Pa 610 631 0880. The cost is $10.00pp

If you wish to make a dish to share with the group in lieu of the cost, let me know, and what you might like to bring, beforehand. If you have any questions, suggestions or concerns, feel free to call or email me at Karen.Wrigley.LSW@gmail.com Bring a friend, if you might like.

Have a great weekend and week ahead and God bless


The goal and intention of Karen Wrigley's REJUVENATION EXPRESS Talk Circles is to provide a time and place to RETREAT, and get away from daily stresses, RELAX, together with other people, REFLECT upon our lives and choices, RENEW our energy, focus, peace, and joy.

There may be mid-month Talk Circles from time to time, also, scheduled on the third Wednesday, but watch for upcoming details and join our mailing list.

To make a reservation, you will need to email Karen.Wrigley.LSW@gmail.com or
call 610-631-0880.

Always confirm by email or phone or there may not be space for you.

if you haven't been to a talk circlce, you can read some prior month Talk Circle topics by clicking on the links below.

Click here for last Valentine's Day Talk Circle
Click here for last New Year's Talk Circle
Click here for last Thanksgiving's Talk Circle