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      Mind / Body Talk Circles, Couples Massage, Retreats ...
Norristown, Pa (610) 631-0880  
Email Karen!  
Talk Circles: Schedules

We will be having our Body Mind Talk Circles generally on the Fridays of each month, and the next Talk Circle Date is

FridayNovember 4th7 pm


Of all the holidays that we celebrate in America, Thanksgiving is my most favorite.

I would like to invite you to a Thanksgiving and Birthday Celebration n Talk Circle, on Friday November 4th at 7pm at 1823 West Main St, Norristown.

I will have some appetizers and soft drinks available, rather than a whole dinner thing, and you are invited to bring something delicious to share & BYOB, if you feel inclined. It can be an appetizer, snack, or dessert type thing, and is optional. Let me know what you might be bringing, so we can have a good variety of yummy things.

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, because it is SO encouraging to count our many blessings; that no matter how challenging, busy, or difficult life gets, that there are always many things to be grateful for.

We can be grateful for growing personally from a difficult situation, making progress with an overwhelming amount of tasks, dealing well with change, loss of jobs, relationships, financial security, health, mental clarity, and peace of mind; seeing our children, parents or siblings grow and evolve, letting go of resentments, having a supportive friend or developing some new ones, doing something special for another, or oneself, accepting difficult situations and not losing our sanity, learning or trying something new , reconnecting with a friend after a misunderstanding, etc etc.

I enjoy hearing about what others feel grateful for, as it blesses and encourages my heart also . . .

My son Dave and girl friend Maida will be coming in from Chicago for a short visit next week. We will celebrate his birthday, as well as Alpha Dave's, Jean Hjorth's, Alexis Schott's, Elizabeth Omand's, and Trisha Volpicelli's. Whewwww . . Lotta candles!!! . . . LOL Michael Wrigley and Carol, Mikey n Keely may also join us

It would be best if you are able to come, to park on Wakefield Rd, rather than in the driveway, as it is dangerous to back out on to Main St, and inconvenient for several cars to have to back out, to get another out.

I anticipate that we will begin a Talk Circle around ish 815pm. You are invited to share, and it is all optional You can choose to pass, if you would rather listen, and not share. So think about the many things that you are grateful for this week, and feel free to write some down, even. Give me a call (610) 631-0880 or send me an email to let me know if you can come.

Have a great week and I look forward to seeing you all soon.

Karen Wrigley

The goal and intention of Karen's REJUVENATION EXPRESS Talk Circles is to provide a time and place to RETREAT, and get away from daily stresses, RELAX, together with other people, REFLECT upon our lives and choices, and RENEW our energy, focus, peace, and joy.


To make a reservation, you will need to email Karen.Wrigley.LSW@gmail.com or
call 610-631-0880.

Always confirm by email or phone or there may not be space for you.

There may be mid-month Talk Circles from time to time, also, scheduled on the third Wednesday, but watch for upcoming details and join our mailing list.

If you haven't been to a talk circle, you can read some prior month Talk Circle topics by clicking on the links below.

Click here for the topic from Nov, 2010 Happy Thanksgiving, Y'All
Click here for the topic from Oct, 2010 Happy Fall, Y'All
Click here for the topic from May, 2010 Happy Mother's Day
Click here for the topic from Apr, 2010 Spring is Taking Care of Ourselves
Click here for the topic from Mar, 2010 Spring is Wanted Soon Talk Circle
Click here for the topic from Feb, 2010 Valentine's Day Talk Circle
Click here for the topic from Jan, 2010 New Year's Talk Circle
Click here for the topic from Dec, 2009 Thanksgiving's Talk Circle