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      Mind / Body Talk Circles, Couples Massage, Retreats ...
Norristown, Pa (610) 631-0880  
Email Karen!  
Talk Circles: Schedules

We will be having our Body Mind Talk Circles generally on the First Fridays of each month, except when a Holiday date occurs ...

Talk Circle for Thanksgiving, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving to you ALL!

May you feel abundant joy, love, and gratitude, even if your happiness is challenged by situations, circumstances, the economy, or people. May we be growing in our ability to focus our minds & hearts on whatever is true, right, noble, pure, lovely admirable, exellent or praiseworthy and rely upon a Higher Power to maintain this positive focus. Towards this end, you are cordially invited to our next Talk Circle and dinner on Friday December 4th at 7pm at my home at 1823 West Main St., Norristown 19403 610 631 0880

When Dave and I went to Michigan this summer to be with his dad, as he was close to passing on, I had an opportunity to observe a Hospice team who helped prepare his dad, the family & friends for what was about to happen. I was impressed by their loving energy, unity and mission. It refreshed my recall of one of the most beneficial courses that I had ever taken, which was "On Death and Dying" The course influenced my life goals to be - live every day to the fullest, as if it might be my last, to be present in the moment, to redeem the time, say what I feel and mean what I say, take responsibility for my life and focus on gratitude and good things, if utterly possible. Seeing the caring Hospice team at work, motivated me to explore doing some volunteering locally, which I have recently begun training for. I believe that if we are at peace about the possibility of our passing on, no matter what our age is, that we live each day more fully. After all, death is a part of life

I thought it might be interesting to talk together about any of several areas that we might be drawn to reflect upon, regarding our finiteness. Do we have a "Bucket List" of things that we wish to accomplish, see, or learn before our time on earth is up? Are we moving forward towards accomplishing this list, or what is blocking our ability to look at & motivate ourselves to accomplish some of the things on our list?

Where are we, in terms of the 5 stages of grief, (Anger, Bargaining, Denial, Depression & Acceptance) with regards to our passing on, or other major losses in our lives, such as loss of a loved one, divorce or major illness?

Have you ever thought about how your obituary or eulogy might be written or stated? What do you wish to accomplish, or whom would you like to impact before your D day? Do you think about how your life impacts those that you care about , and which of your priorities might need readjusting. Are there things that you never said to a particular person, that you ought to express soon, perhaps, good, bad or otherwise? How do you wish to be remembered? We can affect people for years after our passing, and sometimes it is important to look at what sort of legacy we would like to pass on to our family and friends.

Think about some of these things over the next week and a half and see what comes up for you. Share what you are comfortable with sharing. Feel free to forward this email and invite someone new to the Talk Circle. Happiness multiplies, when divided by others. The cost is $10pp or inquire about bringing a nice dish to share. If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions, feel free to call or email me at Karen.Wrigley.LSW@gmail.com.

Have a great Thanksgiving! Warmly Karen

There may be mid-month Talk Circles from time to time, also, scheduled on the third Wednesday, but watch for upcoming details and join our mailing list.

To make a reservation, you will need to email Karen.Wrigley.LSW@gmail.com or
call 610-631-0880.

Always confirm by email or phone or there may not be space for you.